среда, 4 ноября 2015 г.

MIS 582 iLab 3 Database Construction Using Access

BUY MIS 582 iLab 3 Database Construction Using Access

iLab 3 : Database Construction Using Access (100 Points)
i L A B O V E R V I E W
Scenario and Summary
In this assignment, you will learn to create an Access database from a given ERD. To complete this assignment, you will need to be able to run Access 2010, either through Citrix or installed on your workstation or laptop.
Name your Access database file using Lab3_, your first initial, and your last name (e.g., Lab3_JSmith.accdb). Create and save your Access database file. When you are done, submit your database to the Course Project Dropbox.
i L A B S T E P S
Review the ERD below to understand the entities, attributes, primary keys, and relationships that you will create in your Access database.
ERD iLab Image
# Run Access 2010, either via Citrix or from Visio 2010 installed on your workstation.
# Select the blank database icon in the main window.
# Save the file with a name containing Lab3_, your first initial, and your last name (e.g., Lab3_JSmith.accdb). In Citrix, you will need to click the computer icon in the Save As window to see the different drives. Be sure to save the file to a local drive so it will be on your workstation.
See the tutorials above for instructions on how to perform the following steps in Access 2010.
Add tables to the Access database.
# Add a table for each entity listed in the provided ERD diagram.
# Add a column for each attribute listed in the provided ERD diagram.
# Select a primary key for each table as indicated in the provided ERD diagram.
For every column in every table, update the data type as needed to enforce the domain constraints of the data.
# Dates should have a date data type.
# Surrogate keys should be autonumbered.
# Numeric data should have a numeric data type.
# Character data should have a character data type.
Draw relationships between your entities.
* Selection Relationships under Database Tools. Move all your tables into the Relationship window by dragging them in or by using the Show Tables pop-up window.
* Second item
o Add the relationship between the tables in your database.
o Enable referential integrity on the relationship.
o Enable cascade updates on the relationship.
Add at least two rows of data to each table in your database. Use any values you like for each of the columns. Remember that you must add data to parent tables before adding data to child tables, because referential integrity is enabled.
Set the following column constraints in your database.
# Student first and last name cannot be a null value.
# Course credit hours must be between one and four.
# Course name must be unique and cannot be a null value.
# Instructor first and last name cannot be a null value.
# Grade must be one of these values: A, B, C, D, F, I, W, or E. W signifies withdrawn and E signifies enrolled.
When you are done, save the file on your local hard drive and upload it to the Course Project Dropbox. Your file should have the following filename format: Lab3_FirstInitialLastName.accdb.
For instructions on how to copy files between the Citrix server and your local machine, watch the iLab tutorial, Copying Files from Citrix, located in the iLab menu tab under Course Home.
Submit your assignment to the Dropbox located on the silver tab at the top of this page.
Each query is worth 10 points. Points for each query will be awarded according to the following rubrics.
* 10 points: Assignment delivered as an Access database
* 20 points: Table created for each entity in the provided E-R model
* 10 points: Column created for each attribute in the provided E-R model
* 5 points: Primary key added for each table with unique constraints specified as column properties
* 10 points: Data type set for each attribute
o Dates should have a date data type.
o Surrogate keys should be autonumbered.
o Numeric data should have a numeric data type.
o Character data should have a character data type.
* 20 Points: Relationships created as shown on the provided E-R model
o Relationships enabled for referential integrity
o Relationships enabled for cascade updates.
* 10 Points: At least two rows of data added for each table
* 15 Points: Column constraints added as indicated in project description, checked by adding rows to data with invalid values
o Student name cannot be set to null.
o Course credit hours are restricted to between one and four.
o Course name must be unique and cannot be set to null.
o Instructor last name and first name cannot be set to null.
o Grade is restricted to be one of these values, A, B, C, D, F, I, W, or E (enrolled).
This assignment is subject to the late policy outlined in the Syllabus.

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