среда, 4 ноября 2015 г.

MIS- 589 Week 3 - Homework

BUY MIS- 589 Week 3 - Homework

Week 3 - Homework
Textbook Questions and Mini Cases
These activities are found at the end of each chapter after the Summary section.
· Chapter 4: Questions: 1, 10, and 26
· Chapter 4: Mini Case 1 – Smith, Smith, Smith, and Smith

MIS- 589 Week 4 - Homework

BUY MIS- 589 Week 4 - Homework

Week 4 - Homework
Textbook Questions and Mini-Cases
These activities are found at the end of each chapter after the Summary section.
· Chapter 5: Questions 3, 4, and 8
· Chapter 5: Mini Case 2 - Central University

MIS- 589 Week 5 - Homework

BUY MIS- 589 Week 5 - Homework

Week 5 - Homework
Textbook Questions and Mini-Cases
These activities are found at the end of each chapter after the Summary section.
· Chapter 7: Questions 3, 7, and 23
· Chapter 8: Exercises 8-3

MIS- 589 Week 6 - Homework

BUY MIS- 589 Week 6 - Homework

Week 6 - Homework
Textbook Questions and Mini-Cases
These activities are found at the end of each chapter after the Summary section.
· Chapter 9: Questions 9, 19, and 29
· Chapter 10: Mini-Case 1 - Cathy's Collectibles

MIS- 589 Week 7 - Homework

BUY MIS- 589 Week 7 - Homework

Week 7 - Homework
Textbook Questions and Mini Cases
These activities are found at the end of each chapter after the Summary section.
· Chapter 11: Mini Case 1 – Belmont State Bank
· Chapter 12: Mini Case 1 – Computer Dynamics

MIS-589 Week 1 Quiz 100% Correct Answers

BUY MIS-589 Week 1 Quiz 100% Correct Answers

Question :
(TCO A) This layer is responsible for translating electrical pulses into data.
Student Answer:
Data Link Layer
Transport Layer
Physical Layer
Network Layer
Question :
(TCO A) A(n) _____________ is a set of rules that determine what a layer would do and provides a clearly defined set of messages that software at the layer needs to understand.
Student Answer:

Question :
(TCO A) Cables and wireless transmissions are also known as _________.
Student Answer:

Question :
(TCO A) Today we have access to the broadband Internet access from home appliances, televisions, mobile phones, MP3 players, cars, computers, phones and many other devices. This is an example of the coming existence of ___________.
Student Answer:
pervasive networking
cloud computing
application synergy
broadband evolution

Question :
(TCO A) Which standards body is responsible for the development of local area network (LAN) standards?
Student Answer:

Question :
(TCO B) You have five physical computers in available to you. Your organization has started a project that requires 10 different servers to meet all requirements. You have no additional funding to purchase new servers. Using ________ technology is the best option you have.
Student Answer:
virtual server
cluster services
data access logic

Question :
(TCO B) The company vice president has just received an email from an associate with claims that 50,000 dollars needs to be wired to a location in Eastern Europe. You want to confirm that this email is indeed from the associate by identifying the message ID and From address. What portion of the SMTP packet would you examine?
Student Answer:
The footer
The Transport Protocol Layer
The data portion
The header

Question :
(TCO B) There are required and optional parts of an HTTP response. They are:
Student Answer:
response status, response header, response body
response address, response header
response status, response header
response address, response status
Question :
(TCO B) The Cisco Telepresense system has grown in use over the past years and is a type of ____________.
Student Answer:
instant messaging
video conferencing
Question :
(TCO B) Which application architecture is known for having the lowest cost of infrastructure?
Student Answer:

MIS-589 Week 2 Physical Layer and LANs - You Decide

BUY MIS-589 Week 2 Physical Layer and LANs - You Decide

Leonard Cooper Charter School is a K-12 school with approximately 1,000 students. The school wants to develop a local area network that meets the needs of the school now and is scalable for the future. There have been numerous complaints about the speed and reliability of the network, especially since a new addition to the building was added a few years back.
Your Role and Assignment
You are the systems administrator contracted by Leonard Cooper to upgrade the local area network to meet the ever-increasing needs of the building's students and faculty members. Your first task is to interview key stakeholders to determine what the key areas of concern are.
The charter school's CEO has requested your help in updating the network to meet the demands of the building's faculty members and students. Your job is to interview the key stakeholders and to take action to remedy the issues that they have.
Write a two to three page proposal addressing each of the stakeholder concerns. Use the technologies below for the areas of concern. All of the technologies listed below will not be used, so be careful with your choices. You must use one of the solutions below to address each area of concern. Be specific in your responses, and justify the use of each technology based upon the concern.